Cactus Heights -
Home Improvements for 1238 E Yucca St
Refinished and sealed concrete floors in living area: Kitchen, living room, dining room and hallways
Contractor: Impressive Concrete
West side block wall built and both East and West block walls painted
Independent Contractor: Oscar Mota, Aggie Fencing
Custom Gate Built and Installed
Independent Contractor: Carter Allen
Remodeled Fireplace Façade: Re-drywalled, painted and built new
Painted interior walls and put in new baseboards
Landscaped front and back yard, added 36 tons of screened and washed DG
DG from MDI Rock
Installed Reverse Osmosis Filtration system to Kitchen Sink
New HVAC Transformer and thermostat installed
Contractor: Hobaica Plumbing and HVAC Electrical Services
Be sure to put this home on your list!